So far we haven’t had any adverse weather that would effect the Pheasant hatch —- haven’t seen any broods yet —- but should shortly. Our Food plots are all planted and we received a pretty general rain in this area of .90”. Great for the rest of the crops as well. The sunflowers are just peaking through, so this rain will bring then along!
Part of our “cooking crew” have/are fishing —- Dana Hessel on Lake Oahe and Matt Thompson in Canada —- hope they get their limits! The Korkow Families are just work-work-work, Ha! Always a little play time!
We got another hunting dog —- Yellow Lab —- will find out this Fall if he fits in! Always seems like a good hunting dog adds to our hunts!
The Korkow Families look forward to seeing a lot of you this Fall —- sharpen up your shooting skills this summer!