The Minneapolis convention center had some 33,000 people in attendance this past weekend —- Korkow Ranch Pheasant Hunting —- participated with our booth. Dixie & I talked to a lot of hunters during the three day show —- I’m sure a few groups will make it to the ranch this Fall.
We are starting to fill up on some dates —- if you were thinking of coming to hunt this Fall —- might want to give me a call soon —- The bottom dropped out of the thermometer the last few days —- sure glad Dixie & I stayed in the NORTH country instead of going SOUTH like a lot of our good friends!!!
Picture is of getting the Booth ready for the show. We had the Magnuson Families and Matt Thompson —- to help us get moved in/out of the Convention Center —- our Thanks to Chip, Keith, Troy —- their Spouses for their support!