Mid August—-this past week, we have started to see the young birds—-finally getting big enough that they make “waves” in the grass as well as are flying!!! We had some golf ball to almost baseball size hail a little over a week ago—-made us “wonder” if their were survivors—-but enough cover for the birds— so I don’t think the hail hurt this area too much. Spring wheat at 40% loss—according to adjuster—corn and food plots are OK.
We are putting together our daily menus and getting supplies lined up for the hunts—-can’t wait till the “day before” to get most items—Our schedule looks good and we have many long time repeat guests returning as well as new groups coming to enjoy the “Korkow Hospitality”—-mowing strips around our hunting areas to keep fire danger down—-hauling gravel into some washed out areas—Jim’s crew busy putting on Rodeos and putting up livestock feed—-Don is getting married to Dixie Lees on August 31st. at Fort Robinson in Northwest Nebraska—-so everyone is staying out of trouble at the Korkow Ranch!!