Thanks for checking in! Since our last blog, we have had several “agronomist” checking on Roger Elliot’s “potatoes”—keep buying yours at the store— mother nature has been good to us this week in that we have received roughly .30 bringing us to 1.35” YTD. Still need more moisture but we will get it!! Enough of that!
A lot of you know that Don had a stroke on March 11—spent time in Sioux Falls at a Re-hab unit—came back to Pierre to their Re-hab unit—his left side had the trauma—but he is walking pretty well—just needs to get the left arm/hand working. Then his wife of some 53 years passed away on April 8th. Kind of a rough couple of months, but his attitude is full speed ahead!
Our good friend and bus driver Roger Elliot has a few more polyp’s on his vocal cords that need to be worked on before hunting season—
Put the above aside—-we are all busy, planting food plots, working on tree strips and getting ready for this Fall!
The Korkow Families look forward to our Pheasant Hunters—-See you This Fall!