The Korkow Families are busy — taking care of livestock — feeding— checking water — grinding hay — all those Ranch things — plus get the Korkow bucking horses down Texas way— 1st performance for them is in Ft. Worth for their Rodeo and stock Show.
For Pheasant Hunting we are getting ready to do some mowing in our shelterbelts — they are getting too loaded with growth and dead fall — we just purchased a brush mower and getting ready to pull the ” trigger” on a trac skid steer — get a path for the dogs/hunters — I know our hunters are saying “about time!” We will be hunting for the next few years to pay for this investment — Jim and Don will need to hunt till they are 90 years young!
We are getting our calendar about full — if you are thinking about hunting with the Korkow Families this fall and haven’t got your date — you might want to consider contacting Don by email or at 605-220-1265.
See a lot of you this Fall!